Congratulations to Beatrice Dyring-Andersen

A big congratulations to Beatrice Dyring-Andersen on receiving a grant from the LEO Foundation // LEO Fondet, supporting her 14-month research stay at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

In her interview, she shares what international experience means to her and how ESDR helped her build international research relationships.

“In my case, I applied for a spot at the Future Leaders Academy in ESDR (The European Society for Dermatological Research) in 2017. There, I met many international colleagues who are now also my friends, and we collaborate on several research projects. Additionally, I’ve been active in ESDR, where I try to take initiatives that disseminate knowledge.

As a concrete example, I’ve worked on establishing a Global Health Mentoring Program based on a pilot project where we hosted a dermatologist from Armenia and one from South Africa. We created a program for them, where they visited SIC (Skin Immunology Research Center) at the University of Copenhagen, participated in clinical work, observed Mohs surgery (a specific method for removing hashtagskin cancer) at Bispebjerg Hospital, and attended a melanoma symposium we organized. We also learned a lot from our colleagues during their visit about their everyday hashtagdermatology practices.”

Read the full interview here: