The Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID) is the official journal of the ESDR and SID. JID publishes papers describing original research on all aspects of cutaneous biology and skin disease. Topics include biochemistry, biophysics, cell regulation, development, carcinogenesis, skin structure, extracellular matrix, genetics, immunology, melanocyte biology, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, photobiology, percutaneous absorption, clinical research, epidemiology and other population-based research.
Landmarks in Cutaneous Biology
Research Techniques Made Simple
Dx quizzes
Cells to Surgery
Skinpod monthly podcasts
Access to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology is a benefit for ESDR members.

The ESDR goes green
The ESDR is taking steps to improve its ecological footprint. In 2022, you will have access to the electronic version of the JID. This small step will minimize our ecological footprint by avoiding the use of paper and shipping.
Thank you for supporting us in this green initiative.
Accessing your JID subscription online
Dear ESDR member,
We know that during these uncertain times, access to peer-reviewed and trusted research is important. As an ESDR member, you have access to the Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID) via You can either log in at or at Members (who have not already done so) must activate their online subscription to JID to access the content online.
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