In June 2019, in Geneva, Switzerland, The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) and healthcare companies Galderma, LEO Pharma and Celgene announced they had joined forces to found The Skin Science Foundation (SSF). The brainchild of the ESDR, the SSF will accelerate next generation skincare by using cutting-edge science to better understand skin health and its transition to disease.
The Skin Science Foundation | Geneva Founded by ESDR
Read the press release “ Launch of the Skin Science Foundation”
Skin Science Foundation Bioinformatics Hub
To promote big data-driven skin science and next generation healthcare in Dermatology, the Skin Science Foundation (SSF) is proud to launch the “Skin Science Foundation Bioinformatics Hub”. This is a web platform giving open access to curated transcriptomic data from multiple inflammatory skin diseases.
The platform allows unprecedented means to compare expression of 20,000 single genes across multiple skin diseases and identify disease-specific signatures. This cross-comparative approach has the potential to discover unique disease biomarkers and classifiers and to provide new insights into disease pathogenesis.
Access the hub at:
Read the full Press Release