We are excited to introduce you to our new membership platform from 24 July.
Kindly use the same email address linked to your membership, however, you might need to create new credentials.
Should you encounter any issue, please contact us.
Membership Benefits
ESDR membership is open to individuals who are engaged in basic or clinical research related to skin science. Membership is valid for 12 months, based on the calendar year from 01 Jan to 31 Dec

Reduced rates at ESDR Annual meetings and ISID sister society meetings
Standard Members
Students/Post-Doc/ Residents**
ISID joint members***
Patron Members
*EE countries list: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Slovakia, and Ukraine.
Official LMI countries list can be found here
**A letter from your head of department or copy of your student ID will be required at the time of applying.
***Members of ISID affiliated societies ASDR, SID, JSID, KSID, TSID residing outside Europe.
2023 Membership statistics
Members should pay their membership dues online via Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard). Please use the Member Login on this site to make your payment.
If you encounter difficulty making your payment online and wish to pay by credit card, please contact the ESDR office by email [ ]
Bank Name: UBS SA
Bank Address: PO Box 2600, 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Account Name: ESDR Euro Courant
Account Number: 0240-403952-71V
IBAN: CH74 0024 0240 4039 5271 V
Please clearly indicate the name of the ESDR member in your bank transfer. Members should pay the transaction charge when not a SEPA payment to ensure ESDR receives full amount.
Bank cheques are not accepted.
European Society for Dermatological Research
Rue Cingria 7
1205 Geneva
Important information
Please read our Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct
Joining the ESDR
By joining the ESDR you help support the administration of the society, the organisation of annual scientific meetings and educational programs. Your membership also contributes to the provision of funding for travel grants and inter-society collegiality awards.
Membership requirements
Applications are taken throughout the year from individuals working in the dermatology area. Several membership categories are available from Student/Resident to Standard and Patron Memberships. Members of the JSID or SID can benefit from reduced annual meeting fees by joining the ESDR as “Joint Members”.
Each membership application must be supported by two existing ESDR members. If you do not know other members, the membership committee of the ESDR will review and support your application if it is eligible.
Membership period
Membership runs from 1 January-31 December.
Members accept they will receive from ESDR:
- e-Newsletters
- emails with information on ESDR events / programs / membership
- e-Table of Contents (e-Tocs) of the JID/JID Innovations from our Journal publisher.
Members have the option to always unsubscribe from e-Newsletters and e-Tocs.
Members are reminded to keep their profile and preferences up to date.
Member opt out
Membership communication will be in the form of automated, non-automated email and telephone.
Members can update their preferences on their online profile and select:
- which communication methods they do not wish to be contacted via
- which type of emails they wish to receive
Membership applications process and right to refuse
ESDR membership is open to individuals who are engaged in basic or clinical research related to skin science.
Once an individual applies, agrees to ESDR’s Code of Conduct and pays the annual membership dues, an automated welcome message is sent to her/him with login details into the member area of the ESDR website. Pending formal approval at the Annual General Meeting of members.
Applicants who are not approved will be contacted by ESDR individually: either with a request for further information or informing the applicant of ESDR’s decision to decline the application.
ESDR reserves its right not to fulfil or to cancel a member application at any time.
If a member is accepted into ESDR membership and subsequently it turns out that part of the information provided was misleading or false, ESDR reserves its right to revoke the membership with immediate effect, without the right of appeal.
Membership cancellation
Active ESDR members can cancel their membership anytime by contacting ESDR by email at
Members who cancel their membership are removed from membership with effect from 31 December in the year of cancellation and must have paid their membership dues for the current year.
ESDR’s activities stem from our core values. These are reflected in our Code of Conduct, of which all members are expected to abide by.
All members should:
- Abide by the ESDR Articles of Association and official ESDR policies
- Maintain a high level of courtesy, respect and objectivity in all ESDR matters and activities
- Represent themselves and the ESDR respectfully, ethically, and professionally at all times
- Avoid or declare any conflict of interest, and act under all circumstances to the benefit of the community
- Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within and beyond the ESDR
- Nurture and invest in the next generation of skin researchers
- Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information