The first State of the Art 2023: ESDR and UADV webcasts are now available on the ESDR website with English and Ukrainian subtitles!
Watch the open access webcasts here Download the program hereOn March 30 and April 27, 2023, a significant event took place for Ukrainian dermatovenerology – State of the Art in Dermatology!
The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) together with the Ukrainian Academy of Dermatovenerology (UADV) held two educational online seminars, where international leaders presented modern achievements and discoveries in the field of dermatology.
In order to make the information more accessible and to expand the circle of Ukrainian doctors who would be able to familiarize themselves with the reports, we added Ukrainian subtitles to the lectures.
Currently, we introduce you to 7 lectures, but we will add new ones in the future.